Create Subscription Plans
Let's explore some subscription options!
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Let's explore some subscription options!
Last updated
While you can create your subscription plan when you convert your story to paid content (click “Create plan first” as shown above), you can also access the feature from your personal account menu.
Under the “Subscription Plans” module, you can click “+ Add plan” under “My Subscriptions Plans” section.
Then you can fill in the details (Plan Title, Description, Plan Cover Image, Price, Trial Days etc.) for the Subscription Plan as shown in the form below.
Note: After you click “Save”, you will be prompted to agree with the terms and conditions before your subscription plan goes live.
Here is a sample of what you will see when you have active subscription plans:
If you click on “Edit plan”, you can edit your subscribe plan details and also set up a welcome note to your subscribers!
Once you have successfully created your subscription plans, readers can also see it in your writer’s profile:
Below is an example of how a paid content with subscription plan would look like from readers’ view.