Platform Revenue Share and Withdrawal
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Last updated
Author’s Income Statement All of your revenue data (from publication sponsorships and subscription plans etc.) will be listed in “My Revenue.” In the “My Revenue” tab, authors can choose whether to have their income cashed out in cash or converted to the platform's virtual currency, Pena Coins.
Pena Coin Revenue Formula There will be a 30% platform handling fee for any income earned through Pena Coins before it is remitted to your income statement.
The revenue share between the author and the platform is 70:30 (the platform has covered the credit card processing fee).
Pena Coin-related features:
Chapter-Based Paid Content System
Publication Sponsorship
Subscription Plan Revenue Formula The author's share of the subscription plan is 90% of the revenue after deducting the transaction fee and sales tax (if any). The current transaction fee is 3.4% for each transaction + HK $2.35.
The formula is "Revenue* (1-10% platform fee) - (100*3.4% + 2.35 credit card handling fee)"
For example, the revenue from a single subscription of HK $100 The equation will be 100*(1-10%) - (100*3.4% + 2.35) = 84.25
A user can withdraw earnings in "My Revenue" once he or she hit a HKD 200 minimum balance using Hong Kong banking or Paypal for international transfers.
There will be a HKD $5 (or any currency equivalent) admin fee borne by the user.